What's a happy day on my last day at school! 27/5/2010
Haha.. Today was my last mid year examination day.
We exactly happy and very relax.
We've three week school holidays too :DD
*Straight to the point.*
When the time at 11.05am, all of SMK Tawau student were went to the hall.
This scene is very normal one because every year need holidays many day then will convene us. Told us anythings! lalala.. xD
While our teacher speehing, all of form four's girls (i mean us) stay at behind kept play! haha.. Really didn't have put teacher at eyes @_@
Siew Hui and Sin Yi keep made our shoelace.
Then me, fenny, mei yee and others girls keep play as this!
Made till that pengawas scolded us but we still didn't scare. haha
We were madness for that.
After assembly, they were went to our class.
Sin Yi wanna squeeze my breast. Sure i won't let her do like that >"<
Really so funny for that!
While the bell rang, sin yi stay at our door there because she don't let us out from there. She wanna lug our shoelace. Me, Mei Yee and Fenny sure ran away from her. Seems like primary school, we are playing that chasing people. Long time didn't play ady.. So miss it T_T
First time at school play untill madness.. haha
Thanks la.. Last day also gave a best memories to me. I will remember it:)
I love you all.