Oh right?!
I was blogging mood right now =)
Today is sunday and also a raining day.
I was woke up at six something in the early
and my phone's alarm rang at the same time.
But, i turn off it and continue my beauty sleep.
But, i can't asleep.
Only close up my eyes and the brain thinking something.
Why sunday needs to wake up in the early?
Because i wanna to tuition subject of ACCOUNT!
Arghhh```` That's freaking tired and had a little bored.
I cannot blame it.
This subject will be my job in the lately.
Therefore, i need to spent out my time to study about it.
I'm tuition on weekend and sunday morning.
Sighh :(
Weekend is a best day for let people hang out with friends.
Sunday is a free day for let people
resting, shopping, having breakfast, hang out with family and all.
But i cannot escape this.
Anyway, pass by.
Today i'd a meeting of YYHK.
But i didn't attend of it.
Ahaaaa =P
Ii was my first time to apply the leave *peace*
The reason is they were change the venue.
So i cannot attend and if i can attend,
i also no transport to send me back.
That's why i always said:
"If i've a driving lisence then problem solve"
By the way, awaiting...
Whole day i was stay at my home sweet home.
What should i do?
*Don't know*
I did masking.
Yeah.. Because i felt that my face going to something wrong.
Made i felt uncomfortable.
After that, i took out my clothes :)
Hehe ^^"
I was testing the clothes when i'll hang out with them on 17th of September.
I found out! *punch punch poke poke*
Awfully happy right now!
Actually i'm expecting the Moonlight Party + BBQ at Cikgu Tuck's house.
I hope it will be ON.
But everyone seem like without some interesting about this :(
I hope that they will full of energy and
give the answer as soon as possible.
From now on,
tomorrow is a starting school holiday.
We have two weeks holiday. *happy*
Don't know why this 2010 year has many holidays:)
June has three weeks school holiday and actually is two.
September is one week but going to two weeks
because Hari Raya collision with school holiday.
Therefore, we can enjoy two weeks.
If your school not goverment school then maybe don't have.
Hehe :')
Don't sad la..
Better than don't have holidays.
Anyway, my blogging is time to said:"stop typing"
Awaiting for my next post <3
Stay tuned =)