What's an annoyed day?! LOL.. two period time of BM for discussing the essay! Last time exam the BM essay, teacher print out the answer to us for refer! Zzz.. She said: " kamu mesti syukur! tak ada cikgu akan fotostate begini kepada kamu ni.."
Wah!! I immediatly told Mei Yee what did teacher said for. She answer: " Wah, then i meh need thanks alot for cikgu baljeet?! "
I was laughed at there. When she's dicussing, those all melay student kept noisy at there. Teacher suddenly stopped it and scolded at the same time.
Kept said:
(1) " kalau kamu tak puas hati, kamu boleh ambil satu kertas tulis sokongan dan tandatangan. Lepas tu hantar ke Pengetua! Bagi tahu, cikgu ini tak pandai untuk mengajar. "
(2) " zaman cikgu dulu, semua pelajar amat takut cikgu itu kerana tiada seorang pun boleh kata ada orang mengajar begitukah??!! Zaman kamu sekarang, semua tidak takut! Berani cakap cikgu itu ada orang mengajar begitukah?? " semua ni macam batu! tak takut apa pun
(3) " macam Encik Yap kata : ' tak perlu jawab soalan peperiksaan itu, buang kertas sahaja! ' hadir sekolah untuk main saja, bukan belajar. Jadi, hadir pun tidak bermakna juga. "
Bla... bla.. bla.. So many that i can't type out oh! ahaha.. My BM teacher used 1/2 hour for talked about this! Both of us listen till want sleeping ady. Really so annoyed for this la.. Made teacher angry, actually is melay student at there kept chit-chat.. Totally didn't put teacher in the eyes. LOL =p
Teacher start at 8.25am scold us till recess 9.00am! haha.. I alway looking at my watch, the time i saw was 8.40am.. After few minutes pass, i saw again! The time is 8.58am! Teacher sat down ady still want scold people. LOL =p
" Cikgu, kamu tak penat kah? "
haha... don't know la.. Maybe teacher moody on today!
That's why she'll like that.
When the bell rang, teacher said: " Jumaat ini, bawa karangan.. "
Suddenly said: " oh ya! Jumaat ini cutikan? Cikgu sengaja cakap begitu kerane mahu nampak kamu ada apa respond! Respond pertama ialah cikgu, cuti oh! Kamu ni kan, mendengar cuti berasa seronoklah!? Kalau belajar bosan terus, tiada semangat! "
Zzzz.. Isn't annoyed? What can we did? She is our BM teacher eh, must be respect.
Actually teacher said friday need bring essay book, my heart's respond is holiday oh!! ahaha.. Nasib saya tiada cakap sebabnya kawan saya cakap begini.. Kesimpulannya ialah " dia kena marah! " Sweat
Anyway, today is an annoyed day and sleepy day! My head always pain. Pain till about three o'clock like that. Sigh :( Maybe yesterday night can't sleep well!
And today two o'clock, i don't have attended the class tuition at school. Wah, parents won't allow it becuase only one hour half! Adult no need do isn't? Sure i will be scold by them. Never mind then, at last i also choice don't go!
Now i awaiting for tomorrow let my teacher economic scold. If she asked any reason, i'll honest to tell her! I won't lie nor cheat :DD
If she didn't accept this and said: " what's an excuse?! ", i will tell my parents.
ahaha.. by the way, awaiting for scold.