Did you think that?
love feeling, started will feel sweet,
think someone can accompany,
someone help you share responsibility,
finally you won't alone, at least someone missing you,
loving you, no matter what's going on,
important can together, that's feel so good.
But as slow, along with each other cognition so deep,
you'll started to notice the other's side weakness,
hence, trouble will keep carry on take place.
started you'll annoyed, tired, so much so that want to evade,
someone said love seems like as pick up stone,
always want to pick up a suitable for ownself,
yet you how to know when just can pick up it?
He suitable you then you suitable him also?
Actually love seem as burrstone,
or get it, you'll not so satisfied,
remember human have elasticity,
anything can convert.
so long as heart, courage,
rather than everywhere keep haven't yet stone,
would rather make ownself already have burrstone bright,
you start to rub?
Everyone think because love tasteless,
therefore human will become lazy.
Actually human earlier be inertia conquer,
so love just will tasteless.
At some dinner party,
someone suggest eat more prawn can body health,
this time, have a middle age man sudenly said :
" 10 year ago, my wife still be my girlfriend, she want eat ten prawn,
i'll peel 20 prawn for her ! "
Now, if she want i help her peel, crack a joke !
help she take off her clothes, i lost some interesting, still peel prawn shell >_< !
Listen it? understand it?
no wonder so much so that human only want relantionship in future as long,
but don't want wedding. cause marriage easy to let human become lazy.
If everyone lazy to take, lazy to listen attentively, lazt to made surprise,
lazy to gentle and soft, then man and wife or couple among,
what's to be done?
Please remember :
vigor's loved, need to suitable keenly irrigate, love, cannot lazy !
Did you realize?
actually love, hate merely at us among,
love not want forgive and want timely,
anything maybe rest with your mood exchange only !
When someone falling in love u, u think he so nice,
that's not represent you'll choice him.
We alway said : " i want find you very very love someone, you just relationship."
but the other side will ask you, how to just can decide very love? You cannot respon her cause yourselves also don't know yet.
Right ! We alway thought, we'll find a suitable for ownself.
but lastly we just notice ownself ever so naive. If didn't have start, how to you know ownself will very love that people?
Actually love feeling, someone and someone go through many events, they will get it after or everyone wish can 100% find ownself lover.
Yet didn't you think that : " at your beside, is it got some one quietly expend for yoy as long, merely you'd detect? Therefore, nevertheless to careful notice your beside's people ! Maybe he wait you so long !
I laugh to tell him : " actually everyone love affair also not same, say true called give guidance to, but scare said wrong become to misguide. That's what bad luck!
If you still in process of love perplexed, maybe below this word can give you some enlightenment:
Love someone, want comprehend, also want unfasten
want apologise, also want thank you,
want admit a fault, also want drop,
want give everyone care to, also want make allowances for,
be accept, not bear,
be tolerant, not unhurried,
be supprot, not allocate,
be solicitude for, not interrogate,
be pour out, not accuse,
be unforgettable, not forget,
be each other interflow, not everything turn over,
be quietly earnestly hope, not face to each other get demand,
can romantic, but don't wasting,
anytime can pull hand, yet don't want say GOODBYE !
Friday, October 30, 2009
At Mid Valley....

so spicy yet i love spicy one^^.
we went to
Restaurant Hong Kong Kim Gary
there had lunch.
This was my mum order for me
" nai cha ".
so nice.. i loved it.
------------------------------------------------------------hehe... my mum also have brought some
clothes to me, total have three.
so expensive one =_=
total amount : RM108
keke xp.
nice and
leng too.
The picture when i at KL....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A New Day!
Today is a new day. I woke up at 9.00am and continue to my brushing..
hmm... nothing matter! Like a simple day as before
that i passing it.
Today need go to school again!
Boring tuh =_=
but today is school Gotong-Royong, don't know why so suddenly.
haha. Maybe have someone necessarily come to our school.
*visit-ing our shorter principal* -laughing-
maybe no i think but haven't start school holiday xp
hmm, don't know lah... i just wanna swiften school holiday now only.
because can stay at home play, watching PPS movie and else!
No need meet someone that i'd want to seen them.
Arrghhhh... nasty tuh ><"
Hmm... what i need to said it leh?!
I also don't know leh..
he-he =_=
Today was my school seksta!
okayy lah~
Those all drama have
and don't know what they doing for.
Lol xp
but today don't know why my friend Mei Yee
will thought THEY talking her bad things!
Hmm?! don't know is it she think too much
or i'm thought WRONG!
but i thought THEY not talking her bad things.
wish that NO.
why anyone need have double side
be a human??
isn't great?
ha-ha =_=
don't know lah xp wish the time can fast passs!
No need suffering and sading for those events.
Godd, please bless me.
Wish i out to continue my studies,
no need as now as i face to those all problem.
I mean that i can with my all best friends forever and ever.
Hope they not like my secondary school's friends like that xp
hmm... i mean the three person =p
wa-ha-ha. so clearly
The day at KL...
I'm back from KL. sighhh... so miss the day that i was at KL.
Missing my big e e, small e e, my twin cousin sister, my mum and others.
Especially my cousin brother Wing Wing, so misss him ohh.
he so cute tu.. haha.. butt i need wait till next year chinese new year back to KL just meet him T_T *run away crying*
hmm... 22th of Oct was my second day stay at KL. I went to Mid Valley with my mum, grandpa, grandma, aunty, cousin brother and my younger brother Ronan. hehe. i was felt happy ehh... because my mu bought three clothes to me. two common clothes sell RM49 and one clothes as jacket that sell RM59. Wah, so expensive one ><"... Well, my mum bought for me XD felt that nvmm~ hehe
After that, we went to sell *feng shui* things' shop. hmm, a little bit bored but funny also. When my cousin brother OC then his mum brought him to toilet. She asked me go with her too. Hmm, have alot youth boys stand at the door aside.. They said " Welcome back again" in cantonese~ After the boy turn his head come my here said " his name called Vincent, did you have boyfriend?" >_<" what do you mean to me, guys?? haha...
The third day at KL.. hmm, today ahh``` felt some bored because we didn't have anythings to let me do. Damn bored =_=
no going shopping, no going anywhere.. went to had breakfast then back to home. Luckily, my mum have left down the notebook to let us play.. hehe, i'm playing facebook's game. My all friends currently at school...sure didn't have online xD... Woww... finally till evening, they gonna back home. YES. They both prepared the dinner of the night for Wing Wing birthday^^. so happy ehh...
Fourth at KL... today was my babe wing wing back to Kedah T.T so sad...Morning, we went to Klang ate Bak Gu Teh, deliciouse..hehe..because it was my favourite food^^..wow~ After had it finished, me..small e e..Jiu Jiu...Jiu Mu..wing wing went to Sunway Pyramid. WE went to TGV cinema buy ticket for tonight see "Meat Ball-3D" movie.. Syokkkk~~ I like it xD
We four guys also went to Summit for shopping. ha-ha. i so like to shopping there because hte clothes so nice. My small e e bought four clothes to me. So leng one^^.. Thanks alot loh...
Till at night, we both went to my big e e office outside there ate dinner.. hmm, deliciouse of the food but my stomach too pain =] sighhh
i've snapshot some picture, i'll upload when i free. hehe xD
After dinner, we went to Sunway Pyramid shopping centre. My grandpa need bought some shoe so both of we accompany him. While my big e e and my grandma said go down found them, my stomach started to pain. I need going to toilet. Yet i cannot find out the toilet but i'm seeing things became appear blur and some black. So i as fast as lightning go find my small e e, asked her brought me go to toilet. At the same time, i felt that i'll fall down on the floor, finally that i was. sighh... so pain..
The last day... Sadddd.... today back Tawau lurr... Time really so fast as i need to back to Tawau. Don't want lah... I'd want back ohh... I loved there. sighhh..
I also had went to visit doctoor because i'm suffer for that. Can't bear it =_=
Wei so pain till i'm cannot stand. Sufferingggg.....
That's was my day when at KL.
hmm, some happy some funny some upsetting.
but nvmmm... Nothing occur then ahything will be alright ^^
Now my wei become okay dyy... nothing else but i also will take care of myself.
i also bless my grandma and grandpa have a healthy life, healthy body and healthy mood at anytime. Including me and my all beloved family.
The picture i'll upload when i free.. Awaiting lah... xp
Missing my big e e, small e e, my twin cousin sister, my mum and others.
Especially my cousin brother Wing Wing, so misss him ohh.
he so cute tu.. haha.. butt i need wait till next year chinese new year back to KL just meet him T_T *run away crying*
hmm... 22th of Oct was my second day stay at KL. I went to Mid Valley with my mum, grandpa, grandma, aunty, cousin brother and my younger brother Ronan. hehe. i was felt happy ehh... because my mu bought three clothes to me. two common clothes sell RM49 and one clothes as jacket that sell RM59. Wah, so expensive one ><"... Well, my mum bought for me XD felt that nvmm~ hehe
After that, we went to sell *feng shui* things' shop. hmm, a little bit bored but funny also. When my cousin brother OC then his mum brought him to toilet. She asked me go with her too. Hmm, have alot youth boys stand at the door aside.. They said " Welcome back again" in cantonese~ After the boy turn his head come my here said " his name called Vincent, did you have boyfriend?" >_<" what do you mean to me, guys?? haha...
The third day at KL.. hmm, today ahh``` felt some bored because we didn't have anythings to let me do. Damn bored =_=
no going shopping, no going anywhere.. went to had breakfast then back to home. Luckily, my mum have left down the notebook to let us play.. hehe, i'm playing facebook's game. My all friends currently at school...sure didn't have online xD... Woww... finally till evening, they gonna back home. YES. They both prepared the dinner of the night for Wing Wing birthday^^. so happy ehh...
Fourth at KL... today was my babe wing wing back to Kedah T.T so sad...Morning, we went to Klang ate Bak Gu Teh, deliciouse..hehe..because it was my favourite food^^..wow~ After had it finished, me..small e e..Jiu Jiu...Jiu Mu..wing wing went to Sunway Pyramid. WE went to TGV cinema buy ticket for tonight see "Meat Ball-3D" movie.. Syokkkk~~ I like it xD
We four guys also went to Summit for shopping. ha-ha. i so like to shopping there because hte clothes so nice. My small e e bought four clothes to me. So leng one^^.. Thanks alot loh...
Till at night, we both went to my big e e office outside there ate dinner.. hmm, deliciouse of the food but my stomach too pain =] sighhh
i've snapshot some picture, i'll upload when i free. hehe xD
After dinner, we went to Sunway Pyramid shopping centre. My grandpa need bought some shoe so both of we accompany him. While my big e e and my grandma said go down found them, my stomach started to pain. I need going to toilet. Yet i cannot find out the toilet but i'm seeing things became appear blur and some black. So i as fast as lightning go find my small e e, asked her brought me go to toilet. At the same time, i felt that i'll fall down on the floor, finally that i was. sighh... so pain..
The last day... Sadddd.... today back Tawau lurr... Time really so fast as i need to back to Tawau. Don't want lah... I'd want back ohh... I loved there. sighhh..
I also had went to visit doctoor because i'm suffer for that. Can't bear it =_=
Wei so pain till i'm cannot stand. Sufferingggg.....
That's was my day when at KL.
hmm, some happy some funny some upsetting.
but nvmmm... Nothing occur then ahything will be alright ^^
Now my wei become okay dyy... nothing else but i also will take care of myself.
i also bless my grandma and grandpa have a healthy life, healthy body and healthy mood at anytime. Including me and my all beloved family.
The picture i'll upload when i free.. Awaiting lah... xp
Thursday, October 22, 2009
don't know wanna doing what =="
Lol xp don't know gonna doing what nowww.... haizz :(
hmm... actually this time i prepare myself then go to school.
but i'm currently at KL now therefore i'll feel so boring.
haha *forcing laugh*
My grandpa stay at outside read newpapers! is it he will feel boring??
i think YES! hehe, nobody at home now. Woww :)
Today is my cousin's birthday. Yea... tonight we celebrate his birthday! Hmm...now tonight's scene will be?? i'm also don't know yet.
i'm not god lah.. xixi
hmm... actually this time i prepare myself then go to school.
but i'm currently at KL now therefore i'll feel so boring.
haha *forcing laugh*
My grandpa stay at outside read newpapers! is it he will feel boring??
i think YES! hehe, nobody at home now. Woww :)
Today is my cousin's birthday. Yea... tonight we celebrate his birthday! Hmm...now tonight's scene will be?? i'm also don't know yet.
i'm not god lah.. xixi
first day in KL
haha~ can online ehh..
using my mother's laptop...
but the msn cannot sign in!
fucking line. .. sucks line... noob line..
haha.. Nvmm~! important can update my blog while i stay at KL.
><" swt
left two day stay at here.
time really pass damn fast it.
Aiyo! i wish the time can as slow as turtle lah cos i'd awfully fast to grow up.
*stupid thinking*
hmm...at here two days dyy~
why didin't have meet thung???
haizz..so miss her tu =="
maybe she at genting highlands noww...
so syoknya...
tomorrow update again lah!!!
using my mother's laptop...
but the msn cannot sign in!
fucking line. .. sucks line... noob line..
haha.. Nvmm~! important can update my blog while i stay at KL.
><" swt
left two day stay at here.
time really pass damn fast it.
Aiyo! i wish the time can as slow as turtle lah cos i'd awfully fast to grow up.
*stupid thinking*
hmm...at here two days dyy~
why didin't have meet thung???
haizz..so miss her tu =="
maybe she at genting highlands noww...
so syoknya...
tomorrow update again lah!!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
will late update my blog...
Today i'm gonna back to KL
so i'll late to update my blog.
Anyway lah, back from KL sure will many picture and many events
i w'll update to my blog to let both of you to enjoy my events!
Sharing is a good things.
awaiting my blog lah xp
The life of "Jacklyn Hiew"
Yesterday i selpt at 1.16am.
haha.. cos i'm watching the movie!
so nice ehh!!
and no need study now.
That's why i keep to watching in front of the computer,
they also won't scold me xp
because i'm gonna sitting finished PMR!
so happy and enjoy relax now.
no need do anything and study study.
I'm so loveee the life like this.
Yet can no need annoy about the homework.
but also need go school for those all NOOB program.
haizz...boring tuh =_="
Oh Dear~!
next week i got poster drawing competition ehh...
don;t know how to draw it ehh...
how come?? who can teach me??
Please lah...
i'm also don't wqant joined it
but Ckg Rafi said,
if he seen any competition's name alway repeat
then will punishment the sytudnet who didn't have joined the program else.
stupid teacher... Yish, go school also boring lah.
Go there just wasted our time >_<
butt also happy because with my shoolmates play till so happy it.
I'm so loveeee them and misssss them nowwww :)
haha.. cos i'm watching the movie!
so nice ehh!!
and no need study now.
That's why i keep to watching in front of the computer,
they also won't scold me xp
because i'm gonna sitting finished PMR!
so happy and enjoy relax now.
no need do anything and study study.
I'm so loveee the life like this.
Yet can no need annoy about the homework.
but also need go school for those all NOOB program.
haizz...boring tuh =_="
Oh Dear~!
next week i got poster drawing competition ehh...
don;t know how to draw it ehh...
how come?? who can teach me??
Please lah...
i'm also don't wqant joined it
but Ckg Rafi said,
if he seen any competition's name alway repeat
then will punishment the sytudnet who didn't have joined the program else.
stupid teacher... Yish, go school also boring lah.
Go there just wasted our time >_<
butt also happy because with my shoolmates play till so happy it.
I'm so loveeee them and misssss them nowwww :)
Special Day
Today was my special day!
cos later i'll back to KL.
so syok ehh
Thung also same day go with me and same day back with me.
But no same plane loh T_T
Nvmm... we meet at KL when shopping :)
Important is today no need go school!
so Bored tuhh...
before i alway thought just me go KL and need took some holiday.
Absent three day to school.
who knew thung also same with me..
Anyway, wish us have a happy trip in KL
Happy mood back Tawau.
cos later i'll back to KL.
so syok ehh
Thung also same day go with me and same day back with me.
But no same plane loh T_T
Nvmm... we meet at KL when shopping :)
Important is today no need go school!
so Bored tuhh...
before i alway thought just me go KL and need took some holiday.
Absent three day to school.
who knew thung also same with me..
Anyway, wish us have a happy trip in KL
Happy mood back Tawau.
Happy of today 20/10/2009
Today was my happy day!
because we no need study more at school.
just keep to chit-chat with friends only.
sure felt kinda bored!
yet we chit-chat so happy it :)
Me, thung, Yuling, mei yi, siew fui and qing ying...
we sit together chit-chat..
and we six guys also got some funny nickname..
haha..is thung called it first.
Me call 38 po*
Thung call gao po*
Mei yi call wei po*
Siew fui call bak chi*
Qing ying call zhu du*
Yu ling call fei po*
wahaha xd so funny for that~
me and ksf alway keep playing the chop!
they said we two guys silly for do that =="
No lah..we just see it which chop it very nice and tidy.
After recess, we all went to dataran ilmu seeing movie
no current ><
therefore we all go change PJ cothes then continue went to astaka.
haizz... went to there also bored.
we all chinese guys keep chit-chat,
nothing let us to do!
Yett today also boy's bola sepak pertandingan!
haha... no so interested to see it lah!!
The sun so hotttt...
both of us went to the tree there
bcos there no so hot!
we sit on the grass playing some game.
After that,
me...ka...wui...soon and lim playing..
and then the FEI PO* come to joined us.
haha! really so happy of today ehh...
later we went to the new pondok there sit bcos so tireddd xd
me, yuling, lee yee, pei tze alway chi-chat about the drama "Titanic"
haha! they so loved it!
really so happy of today!
thx a lot!
I loveee youuu, my dearest cuttiest friends :)
because we no need study more at school.
just keep to chit-chat with friends only.
sure felt kinda bored!
yet we chit-chat so happy it :)
Me, thung, Yuling, mei yi, siew fui and qing ying...
we sit together chit-chat..
and we six guys also got some funny nickname..
haha..is thung called it first.
Me call 38 po*
Thung call gao po*
Mei yi call wei po*
Siew fui call bak chi*
Qing ying call zhu du*
Yu ling call fei po*
wahaha xd so funny for that~
me and ksf alway keep playing the chop!
they said we two guys silly for do that =="
No lah..we just see it which chop it very nice and tidy.
After recess, we all went to dataran ilmu seeing movie
no current ><
therefore we all go change PJ cothes then continue went to astaka.
haizz... went to there also bored.
we all chinese guys keep chit-chat,
nothing let us to do!
Yett today also boy's bola sepak pertandingan!
haha... no so interested to see it lah!!
The sun so hotttt...
both of us went to the tree there
bcos there no so hot!
we sit on the grass playing some game.
After that,
me...ka...wui...soon and lim playing..
and then the FEI PO* come to joined us.
haha! really so happy of today ehh...
later we went to the new pondok there sit bcos so tireddd xd
me, yuling, lee yee, pei tze alway chi-chat about the drama "Titanic"
haha! they so loved it!
really so happy of today!
thx a lot!
I loveee youuu, my dearest cuttiest friends :)
Friday, October 9, 2009
No hope in my PMR dy!
No hope in PMR dy!
No more hope in my subject of BI.
I want my science get A
but the paper two of science so hard =_=
both of us listen teacher said,
memorise plant cell animal cell and other famous topic.
No one got out in the exam paper >_<
We so bacat!!!
I hope that my science can PASSSS.
My geography get 26.
Nvmm... got folio help me to in-in-in.
before i alway think my geography will fail
but now i can take out the the stone from my heart. :)
*Telling a secret.*
Today sitting geography,
i done yet dy but i'll double check again.
When i check till number of 54,
the invigilate teacher stand by my side.
He see the question.
After he used his finger to point to my number of 54,
i chose C. He used his finger to draw in my paper said
Later he point to correct answer to me.
The answer is D. hehe, thanks a lot loh :)
that's answer really correct.
If not i thought i fail on this subject.
He also got teach my friend "Leong Mei Thung".. haha
My weakness BM!
Sigh. Paper one no more to see it.
Hope my paper two can help me.
I'd the important subject "BM" fail.
That's so important for Malaysian.
GODDDD......Please..Please bless me all subject pass..
Monday i'm sitting Math and SEJ.
Hope you can bless me get A in this two subject.
My BI and science no more A dy.
I hope my Math, SEJ, KH, BC can get A.
Lord, in your jesus name "Amen"
No more hope in my subject of BI.
If i'd have change the asnwer,
i can 28.
anythings no more dy..*upset*
I want my science get A
but the paper two of science so hard =_=
both of us listen teacher said,
memorise plant cell animal cell and other famous topic.
No one got out in the exam paper >_<
We so bacat!!!
I hope that my science can PASSSS.
My geography get 26.
Nvmm... got folio help me to in-in-in.
before i alway think my geography will fail
but now i can take out the the stone from my heart. :)
*Telling a secret.*
Today sitting geography,
i done yet dy but i'll double check again.
When i check till number of 54,
the invigilate teacher stand by my side.
He see the question.
After he used his finger to point to my number of 54,
i chose C. He used his finger to draw in my paper said
Later he point to correct answer to me.
The answer is D. hehe, thanks a lot loh :)
that's answer really correct.
If not i thought i fail on this subject.
He also got teach my friend "Leong Mei Thung".. haha
My weakness BM!
Sigh. Paper one no more to see it.
Hope my paper two can help me.
I'd the important subject "BM" fail.
That's so important for Malaysian.
GODDDD......Please..Please bless me all subject pass..
Monday i'm sitting Math and SEJ.
Hope you can bless me get A in this two subject.
My BI and science no more A dy.
I hope my Math, SEJ, KH, BC can get A.
Lord, in your jesus name "Amen"
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