I am blogging mood right now :)
Maybe long time didn't have update so i'm in a mood to update! ahaaa...
Hmm... what i want to update is about GIRL's things :)
What is that..?? Maybe you don't know what is that! Now i am telling you those are SHOES!
OMG! I unbearable for it ;-)
Isn't a girl's favourite? Yea:) That's right.
Before, i actually not so love shoes. I love clothes more than shoes! haha.. I thought that i was affect by my friends! LOL :p
If i saw a pretty girl, she wear seems like a star and the clothes was exactly BEAUTIFUL ; i will alway looking at her! I mean her CLOTHES! Don't misunderstanding ya. haha.. I quite madness while i looking at the clothes.
But now, i'm not the first to looking at the clothes! I am looking at their shoes, afterward looking their clothes. Maybe some of you will said i'm madness or else but i can tell you what i've the feelings! The feeling is very admire if seen the shoes pretty and high and hope i'm the same =)

My favourite! It's look sweet:)

Sigh.. Personally, i thought no need so high or else! Important the shoes has a little bit or medium high, i am quite happiness:)
Yea.. That's why being girl is a great because girls can make up, dress up or anythings! Many style of shoes, clothes and earings! ahaaaa... Isn't your feelings are same with me? I hope so :DD
Argh! Make me wanna go buy new shoes again. LOL
Help me! Control me! haha..
Now i am saving money right now! For..??
Sure buy alot of clothes and shoes^^ Don't blame me, this is girl's style okays?! hehe...
Example again:

I think this is not match me ^^" but looks nice. If some of you've interesting for this shoes, may can be refer! Said Jacklyn introduce to all of you! haha :DD

Wah, alot of colour to choice. Which shoes is match me? I don't know also. hehe..

Wow, exaclty high and slim >"<
Anyone who dare to wear? haha, i think is my friend who name call Mei Yee. Her favourite ><"
How about your feelings? I share with both of you. My feeling is very high! Love them so much. Muackss.. Muackss..
One again example:

Hmm... This shoes, i look similiar! Oh ya, my friend has a shoes as this. She was bought RM70! LOL =p expensive... haha

What i want to say..?? I most love this! Match me, this mature girl! haha >"<

This style, i think match the age is between 20-25! ahaaa.. Just an opinion.
If you don't think so, may can leave down your comment and share with me how about your feelings:)
I waste some minutes to found out this all shoes.
Cause this morning, i'm schooling! Suddenly, my friends mention about shoes. Argh```
Made my mood became down because cannot immediatly go to buy! Crazy right? *really*
Another example again:

Shoessss... Cool~

I've a shoes as this but has a ribbon in front of there. This NOT!
Wow, wow, wow, wow! I think still have alot of shoes' style but i don't have to show out! This world has thousand and million shoes are here, how can i find? Isn't?
haha.. Yea, i agree! :P
So my suggestion is SAVE MONEY!
Until i've holiday on november and december of this year, then i hang out with my friends go to town buy! haha.. Maybe i will flight! To..?? Maybe my hometown KL, China, Taiwan or else.. With my family :DD
So mean that i can buy stylish shoes at others country! What's a great idea?!
Only stupid Jacklyn can thinking out! haha.. Good Luck =)