Thursday, April 1, 2010

Singing day

During PSK lesson, we were in progress our project. LOL =p
Other class are normal in a lesson but we are in an abnormal lesson. So boring..
before exam, teacher had ordered some event to us that is singing! Six people made a group. Boring teacher sure will ask student doing boring events!
Wow, exactly funny today. First group is student melay, they were singing
" Malaysiaku Gemilang ".. ahaha!! isn't had people sang this song sang till the hand hide own eyes?? really so funny..

Our girl group sang chinese song. Gosh.. two people adsent who name call Shan Yee and Pui Thien. Shan Yee was chicken pox and Pui Thien was sick! Never mind then, we can handle it :DD
After this, till Ah Zan and Kai Kai those group! haha.. They sang the Malaysia song that i had forgot ady the name. Start like this..." Tanggal tiga puluh satu, bulan lapan, lime puluh tujuh, marilah, marilah...." know it? They sang this and teacher asked them do the action damn funny one. Like a children =_="
I can't capture it because the time was schooling.

Today is Happy Apirl Fool Day! I don't have cheat by other guys :DD
Tomorrow is Good Friday! Only Sabah has this public holiday.
That's mean is holiday are start now! Yeah :) so happy that i can no need wake up at five on tomorrow. My relatives them also back from KL on tomorrow. So happy!
Anyway, wish i've a fun. xoxo

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