I had a wonderful day at yesterday night X)
ahaaa... What's going on for me?
Yesterday, i went to -Shan Shui- with my friends. OMG! The suck swmming pool x)
Made me speechless. I almost swam around the swimming pool but the water still until my neck. Argh``` Funny! Yet, we got alot of fun there. Even heavy rain but they seems like enjoyed in the swimming pool.
After that, sms+ing with KK friend. Ahaaa.. He's so cute and funny!
I think he is the special man.
Don't know why i'll feel that..?! Maybe he gave me the feeling is SPECIAL and FUNNY!
Oh yeah! I think some of the secret no need to type out isn't?
That is privacy =') lalala x)

My name of J :)
Yea.. Nice! haha.. Even though i can't type out his name but i can give some tips. That is his name also same with me start from " J "